A simple threshold
model shows that the expansion of ventral, and the compaction of dorsal target gene domains roughly follow the changing concentration thresholds of nuclear Dl concentration, although Dl is not sufficient to account for the precise shape and placement of dorsal boundaries [38•]. In addition, most Dl targets depend on the ubiquitous co-regulator Zelda (Zld), which acts by modulating Dl threshold responses [42]. Another maternal system that has been studied using quantitative modeling is the terminal Tor MAP-kinase signaling cascade. Here, models have been used to investigate the gradual sharpening of the signaling gradient over time, which can be explained by nuclear trapping of downstream signaling factors [43 and 44]. Furthermore, kinetic models have been used to gain interesting new insights into the role of MAP-kinase substrate competition in gene learn more regulation and the establishment of asymmetry along the A–P axis [45••, FK228 46•• and 47••]. Maternal gradients alone are not sufficient to position target gene expression domains in the blastoderm embryo. The trunk gap genes hb, Krüppel (Kr), knirps (kni), and giant (gt), for example, rely on cross-repressive interactions among each
other for sharpening, maintenance, and positioning of their expression domain boundaries ( Figure 2c) [ 7]. Dynamic anterior shifts in boundary positions are caused by asymmetric repressive feedback among overlapping gap domains [ 48, 49 and 50••]. A number of recent studies show that regulation of head gap genes also relies on combinatorial regulation [ 51, 52 and 53]. In this case, Bcd is activating its target proximally (close to the gradient source), while activating a repressor in Etomidate more distal regions. Unlike stated in [ 53] this does not constitute evidence for diffusion-driven (Turing) patterning. Instead, this mechanism is reaction-driven (just as for trunk gap genes) depending on regulatory interactions among morphogen
targets. Finally, D–V target domain boundaries also depend on regulation among factors downstream of Dl, especially in the dorsal region of the embryo [ 37• and 38•]. These interactions give rise to complex gene regulatory networks, whose function can be studied using the theory of non-linear dynamical systems [54•• and 55••]. This theory describes dynamical behavior in terms of state trajectories that converge to attractors. The set of attractors represents the dynamical repertoire of a system. A system with two alternative point attractors, for example, is called bistable. Attractors are more or less insensitive to small changes in the values of system parameters. The extent of this resilience delineates the structural stability (or robustness) of the system. Structural stability breaks down at critical values of parameters, called bifurcation points. Investigations of non-linear dynamics can generate specific and distinct hypotheses that are amenable to empirical tests.