M. Purcell and F. Bloch in 1952), the U.S. has played a leading
role in the development of NMR spectroscopy. Many of the critical developments in multidimensional NMR, in solid state NMR methods and their underlying theory, in see more DNP technology, and in the exploration of applications in chemistry, biochemistry, biology – ALL took place in the U.S. (MRI and functional MRI were also first proposed and demonstrated in the U.S.) However, there is a consensus in the NMR community that the U.S. leadership role has eroded over the past 10 years. This is certainly true in the area of high field NMR magnets. When 900 MHz (21.1 T) NMR magnets became available around 2002, approximately 15 were installed in the U.S., with approximately 10 being purchased with federal government funds (NIH or DOE, plus the wide-bore 900 MHz magnet constructed at NHMFL). selleck screening library Relatively few NMR magnets above 800 MHz (18.8 T)
were installed in the U.S. in subsequent years. Meanwhile, magnet technology has advanced to the point where a 1.0 GHz (23.5 T) NMR magnet was installed at the European Center for High Field NMR in Lyon, France in 2010. Plans exist to install at least one 1.2 GHz (28.2 T) NMR magnet in Europe, at a new NMR center in the Netherlands. Additional 1.2 GHz NMR Quisqualic acid magnets are under negotiation for other European sites. Two 950 MHz NMR magnets were installed recently in the U.S., one with federal funding (NIH), the other purchased entirely by private funds. Each increment in magnetic field strength produces an improvement in NMR data, through increased resolution and sensitivity, as explained above. Magnetic field strength is not the only significant parameter in an NMR-based research project. Innovations
in ancillary technology and RF pulse sequence methods, new approaches to data analysis, improvements in sample quality, and clever choices of scientific problems are also highly significant. For these reasons, NMR research groups in the U.S. that do not have access to the highest available fields can continue to make important scientific contributions. However, if the U.S. were to fall further behind in NMR magnet technology, the most interesting and important problems, involving systems with the greatest complexity, biological relevance, and technological impact, would be solved elsewhere. It would also become increasingly difficult for research groups in the U.S. to attract the brightest and most productive Ph.D. students and postdoctoral fellows, as it is natural for young scientists to prefer better-equipped research labs for their training. Investment in high-field NMR magnet technologies is highly leveraged.