It encompasses mostly brightly colored species that lack alkaline soluble find more pigments and lack clamp connections, except for toruloid clamps in the hymenium. Species of Humidicutis typically have rather short lamellar trama hyphae (Fig. 13) as Talazoparib nmr compared to Porpolomopsis.
While these appear as sister genera in the ITS-LSU and 4-gene backbone analyses, support for the branch that subtends both genera is lacking in the former and moderate (66 % MLBS and 0.67 B.P. in the latter. We retain separate genera here as they represent two strongly supported clades, and they can be separated morphologically by the lamellae which are broadly attached in Humidicutis versus adnexed to free in Porpolomopsis, and the long, parallel tramal hyphae which corresponds to a tendency for the pileus to split down through the lamellae in Porpolomopsis versus shorter, subregular trama hyphae and rarely splitting context in Humidicutis. Nevertheless,
when treated within the genus Hygrocybe, Boertmann’s combination of subgen. Humidicutis in Hygrocybe (2010, Fungi of Northern Europe 1 (2nd ed): 17) is useful as it reflects the close relationship between these genera. Indeed, Young (2005) included species of Porpolomopsis in Humidicutis. If using the aggregate genus Hygrocybe s.l., the diagnosis of Hygrocybe subg. Humidicutis (Singer) Boertm. will need emending to include basidiomes with either splitting or non-splitting margins and regular or subregular lamellar context GDC-0449 datasheet composed of either short or long trama hyphae. Fig. 13 Humidicutis auratocephalus lamellar cross section (DJL05TN81, Tennessee, Great Smoky Mt. Nat. Park, USA). Scale bar = 20 μm Humidicutis auratocephala (Ellis) Vizzini & Ercole, Micol. Veg. Medit. 16(2): 99 (2012) [2011], ≡ Hygrophorus auratocephalus (Ellis) Murrill, Mycologia 9(1): 40 (1917), ≡ Agaricus auratocephalus Ellis, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 6: 75(1876). Neotype of Agaricus auratocephalus designated here, USA: New Jersey, Newfield, in swamp, 28 July 1876, Ellis 3033,
NY 774739. Comments Murrill (1916, 1917) did not find the type among Ellis’s collections. Hesler’s annotation of Ellis’ two Y-27632 2HCl collections of A. auratocephalus at NY says that while they are authentic, they were apparently collected after the species was described. Ellis 3033 was collected in July 1876, while the journal cover date was February 1876 (released December 1876). The Ellis & Everhart North American Fungi exsiccatti No. 1911 noted by Hesler and Smith (1963) was collected in Aug. 1887, also after the publication date. We selected Ellis 3033 as the neotype as it was authentic material from the topotype location, and Hesler and Smith (1963) found that it matched the protologue in spore dimensions and habitat. Gliophorus Herink, Sb. Severocesk. Mus., Prír. Vedy 1: 72 (1959). Type species: Gliophorus psittacinus (Schaeff. : Fr.) Herink, Sb. Severocesk. Mus., Prír. Vedy 1: 72 (1959), ≡ Hygrocybe psittacina (Schaeff. : Fr.