05 ± 11.42 5.55 ± 4.13 Numerous 100.39 ± 90.43 18.55 ± 18.31 H′ index 1.74 ± 1.14 0.52 ± 1.92 Throughout the whole research, 561 samples of fauna were collected, in which 8,154 aquatic RAD001 concentration beetles representing 125 species were identified (Pakulnicka 2008). Samples were collected with the standard semi-quantitative method into a D-net fitted on a triangular hoop, a tool that ensured good contact with the surface of water as well as the bottom of the pond, where
startled imagines tend to hide. A single sample consisted of 20 scooping movements stretching to about 1 m in length. From each sample, all captured individuals were removed, which assured the preservation of appropriate quantitative ratios. In order to assess the effect of physical and chemical parameters of pond water on the number MK-1775 concentration of beetles, species diversity and synecological structure of beetle communities, the previously gathered material (Pakulnicka 2008) was reduced to samples originating from the ponds for which analyses of physical and chemical water parameters were made. In total, 166 fauna samples were considered (134 from clay and 32 from gravel pits). The chemical composition of water was analyzed according to the procedures and standard methods described by Hermanowicz
et al. (1999). The oxygen content was determined by the YSI 58 electrode). Water pH was measured using the Sentron 2001 electrode. Free carbon dioxide (CO2) was measured by titration with sodium carbonate using phenolphthalein as an indicator. Ammonia nitrogen (NH4-N) was determined colorimetrically (Shimadzu UV-1601 spectrophotometer) by direct Nesslerization. Total nitrogen (Ntot) was determined colorimetrically (EPOLL-20 ECO), as nitrate ions, after microwave digestion.
Concentration of phosphates (PO4-P) was assayed by colorimetrically with the molybdate method. After the digestion of samples in sulfuric acid with added ammonium persulfate, total phosphorus was determined colorimetrically with the molybdate method. The content of organic phosphorus (Porg) was calculated as the difference between the concentrations of total phosphorus and phosphates: Porg = Ptot − PO4-P. The biological oxygen demand (BOD5) was determined using the YSI 58 electrode. Carbonates Oxalosuccinic acid and hydrogen carbonates were assessed by titration using phenolphthalein and methyl orange as indicators. Nitrates (NO3 −N), chlorides (Cl−) and sulfates (SO4 2−) were analyzed by ionic chromatography on a liquid chromatographer type METHROM 690. The specific conductivity was determined with a WTW DIGI 610 conductometer. For the identification of statistically significant differences in the physical and chemical parameters of water between the two different groups of ponds, a t test for independent variables was performed for parameters which showed normal distribution (Shapiro–Wilk test at p < 0.05) and homogeneity of variance (Levene test at p < 0.