102-105 Comorbid substance abuse is associated with earlier onset and more severe substance-related problems, increased frequency of behavioral problems, more prolonged and recurrent depressive episodes, more severe impairment in family, school, and
legal domains, higher risk for suicidal behavior, and increased utilization of health services and substantially higher treatment costs.55 Examination of data in adults suggest that, compared with Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical depressed patients whose first depressive episode occurs in adult life, patients with early-onset illness have increased rates of anxiety disorders and substance use disorders, as well as personality disorders, resulting in more chronicity and disability.59,106-109 Developmental course and outcomes of childhood and adolescent depression Episode duration Considerable variations have been found in the duration of depressive episodes in nonreferred Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and clinical samples of youth. For example, in a large Verteporfin purchase sample of highschool students, the duration of major depressive episode ranged from 2 weeks to 250 weeks, with a mean duration of 26 weeks.110 The probability of remission was 3 weeks in 25% of the sample, 8 weeks in 50%, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and 24 weeks in 75% of the sample. Longer durations were reported in clinical
samples, with a mean length of 6 to 9 Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical months.46,111-113 Up to 30% to 40% of patients can
be expected to recover by 6 months and 70% to 80% by 12 months, and 5% to 10% of patients have a protracted episode, lasting longer than 2 years.46,113 Dysthymic episodes tend to be more protracted, with an average duration of 2.5 Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to 3.5 years.90,114 In a prospective study of a clinical sample, only 7% of youth with dysthymia showed evidence of recovery 2 years after the onset of a first episode.113 Overall, children and adolescents have similar recovery patterns,69,113 and these patterns also are comparable to the data in adults.115-119 Among the baseline demographic and clinical variables PDK4 that were examined, none has yet been shown to consistently predict recovery from a depressive episode in youngsters. Age at onset of illness, greater severity, presence of comorbid disorders, and parental history of depression potentially influence the time to recovery.69,120 Among adults, greater severity, longer duration of episode at the time of recruitment, pre-existing dysthymic disorder, and co-occurring anxiety disorders and personality problems were associated with longer time to recovery.115,116,118,121,122 Recurrence and continuity into adulthood Longitudinal studies of both epidemiological and clinical samples consistently demonstrated that children and adolescents with depression tend to have recurrent episodes.