, 2006) In contrast, young and aged-unimpaired rats


, 2006). In contrast, young and aged-unimpaired rats

had a larger number of cells that were more sensitive to one of the odor cues, and a significant proportion of these cells reversed their activity in response to the new odor after reversal (Schoenbaum et al., 2006). These results suggest that a loss in flexible responding of OFC neurons to changing contingencies Dabrafenib in vivo might underlie the behavioral deficits found in some aged rats during reversal performance. The electrical properties of pyramidal cells of area 46 of young and aged monkeys have been examined using in vitro preparations. The general findings suggest an increased excitability of pyramidal cells located in layer 2/3, but not in layer 5 (Luebke et al., 2004; Chang et al., 2005; Luebke & Chang, 2007; Dickstein et al., 2012; Luebke & Amatrudo, 2012). Specifically, the authors report an age-related decrease in spontaneous excitatory post-synaptic currents and increases in spontaneous inhibitory post-synaptic currents (Luebke et al., 2004). Additionally, the authors report an increased

input resistance and firing frequency of layer 3 pyramidal neurons (Chang et al., 2005). CH5424802 Layer 3 mainly contains pyramidal neurons that project to other cortical areas (Page et al., 2002; Yeterian et al., 2012); increased excitability thus suggests increased output from these cells. Because aged monkeys with the highest and lowest firing rates displayed the poorest performance levels in working memory tasks, a balance in the activity of area 46 might be necessary for optimal performance (Chang et al., 2005). The exact impact that this age-related increase in excitability has on wider PFC networks

in nonhuman primates remains to be explored. Overall, the patterns of age-related change in brain function and cognitive domains are remarkably conserved across CHIR 99021 mammals, as has been reviewed here. The depth of analytic approaches that can be used in animals other than humans has made it possible to understand in greater detail the neurobiological processes that are vulnerable across the lifespan. Equally striking in this comparison of temporal and frontal lobe systems is the apparent selectivities and differential vulnerabilities of these brain structures to the changes that do occur with age. While the reasons for these differences are the target of active investigation, there is no clear explanation for why frontal lobe systems appear to ‘age at a different rate’ (faster, earlier signs of change) from temporal lobe systems. Clearly the brain region specificity of neural changes with aging needs to be taken into account in the development of strategies targeted at optimization of cognitive function across the lifespan. Another important point to emphasize is that, while it has been suggested that cognitive decline is not apparent until after 60 years of age (e.g.

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