32, 33 The contribution of DNL to total IHTG production in normal

32, 33 The contribution of DNL to total IHTG production in normal subjects is small and accounts for less than 5% of FAs incorporated into secreted VLDL-TG (≈1–2 g/day).34 However, the contribution of

DNL to total IHTG production in subjects with NAFLD is much higher and accounts for 15% to 23% of the FAs within IHTG and secreted in VLDL-TG.34, 35 Forskolin Moreover, data from a study that used sophisticated magnetic resonance spectroscopy techniques to evaluate postprandial glucose metabolism in vivo suggest that the increase in DNL precedes the development of NAFLD.36 Compared with insulin-sensitive subjects, consumption of a high-carbohydrate meal was associated with a much PI3K Inhibitor Library manufacturer lower rate of muscle glycogen synthesis and a diversion of most of the ingested glucose toward hepatic DNL and IHTG synthesis

in insulin-resistant subjects who had normal IHTG content. These data suggest that insulin resistance in skeletal muscle could promote IHTG accumulation by diverting ingested carbohydrate away from storage as muscle glycogen and toward de novo FA synthesis. Although hepatic DNL is a quantitatively minor pathway for TG synthesis, the rate of DNL might have important metabolic regulatory functions. For example, intrahepatic FAs that have been synthesized de novo activate peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α (PPAR-α) to maintain glucose and lipid homeostasis.37 In addition, malonyl-CoA, the first intermediate of DNL, inhibits carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 activity (CPT-1), thereby preventing the entry of FFAs into the mitochondrion and inhibiting FAO.38 The notion of potential allosteric inhibition of FAO by DNL is supported by data that found hepatic CPT-1 expression is decreased in subjects with NAFLD.33 The complex metabolic processes performed by the liver require a considerable amount of energy; the metabolic rate

of liver tissue (≈0.28 kcal/g of tissue per day) is similar to that of the brain, and is nearly 20 times greater than the metabolic rate of resting skeletal muscle and 50 times greater than the metabolic rate of adipose tissue.39 Therefore, although the liver weighs only ≈1.5 kg in adults, representing a small portion of total body weight (≈2.5% selleck compound in lean persons), it consumes ≈450 kcal/d and accounts for ≈20% of total resting energy expenditure.39 The mix of fuels used by the liver in vivo is difficult to quantify accurately because of the complicated exchange of metabolites between multiple biochemical pathways and technical limitations. It is estimated that FA and amino acid oxidation provide ≈90% of the fuel for basal hepatic energy requirements, and that the use of FFA as a fuel decreases during the fed state.40 The oxidation of intrahepatocellular FA occurs primarily within mitochondria, and to a much lesser extent by peroxisomes and microsomes.

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