[36] MI102 check details h+ pmk1::kanR Madrid et al. [8] TK107 h- sty1:: ura4 + Lab collection MI204 h+ sty1::ura4 + pmk1-Ha6H::ura4 + Madrid et al, [12] MI700 h+ rho2:: kanR pmk1-Ha6H:: ura4 + Madrid et al, [12] GB3 h+ pck2:: kanR pmk1-Ha6H::ura4 + Barba et al., [11] GB29 h+ rho2:: kanR pck2:: kanMX6 pmk1- Ha6H:: ura4 + Barba et al., [11] GB35 h+ pck1::ura4 + pmk1- Ha6H::ura4 + Barba et al., [11] MM539 h+ rho2::kanR pck1::ura4 + pmk1-Ha6H:ura4 + This work JM1821 h- his7-366 atf1-Ha6H:: ura4 + J.B. Millar AF390 h- his7-366 atf1-Ha6H:: ura4 + pmk1::KanR This work JM1521 h+ his7-366 sty1-Ha6H:: ura4 + J.B.
Millar MI100 h+ rho5::natR pmk1-Ha6H::ura4 + Madrid et al., [12] JFZ1001 h+ rho2:: kanR rho5::natR pmk1-Ha6H:: ura4 + This EVP4593 in vivo work JFZ1004 h+ rho2:: kanR rho5::natR pmk1-Ha6H::
ura4 + This work JFZ1002 h+ rho5::natR pck2:: kanR pmk1-Ha6H::ura4 + This work JFZ1003 h+ rho5::natR pck1::ura4 + pmk1-Ha6H:ura4 + This work MM657 h+ git3::kanR pmk1-Ha6H::ura4 + This work MM644 h+ gpa2::kanR pmk1-Ha6H::ura4 + This work MM234 h+ pka1::kanR pmk1-Ha6H::ura4 + This work MM649 h+ rst2::natR pmk1-Ha6H::ura4 + This work *All strains are ade- leu1-32 ura4D-18. Purification and detection of activated Pmk1 and Sty1 Cells from 30 ml of culture were harvested at different times by centrifugation at 4°C, washed with cold PBS buffer, and the yeast pellets immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen. Cell homogenates were prepared under native conditions employing acid-washed glass beads and lysis buffer (10% glycerol, 50 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.5, 150 mM NaCl, 0.1% Nonidet NP-40, plus specific protease and phosphatase inhibitor, Sigma Chemical). The lysates were cleared by centrifugation at 15000 rpm for 20 min, and the proteins were resolved in 10% SDS-PAGE gels, and transferred
to nitrocellulose filters (GE Healthcare). The filters were incubated with Ruboxistaurin supplier either monoclonal mouse anti-Ha (clone 12CA5, Silibinin Roche Molecular Biochemicals), polyclonal rabbit anti-phospho-p42/44 antibodies (Cell Signaling), or monoclonal mouse anti-phospho-p38 antibodies (Cell Signaling) [12, 17]. The immunoreactive bands were revealed with either anti-rabbit or anti-mouse HRP-conjugated secondary antibodies (Sigma Chemical) and the ECL detection kit (GE Healthcare). Quantification of Western blots was performed using Molecular Analyst Software (Bio-Rad). Purification and detection of Atf1 and Pyp2 For Atf1 purification (expressed as a Atf1-Ha6H fusion), pelleted cells were lysed into denaturing lysis buffer (6 M Guanidine HCl, 0.1 M sodium phosphate, 50 mM Tris HCl, pH 8.0), and the fusion was isolated by affinity precipitation on Ni2+-NTA-agarose beads. The purified protein was resolved in 7% SDS-PAGE gels, transferred to nitrocellulose filters (GE Healthcare), and incubated with a mouse anti-Ha antibody (12CA5).