As CARS produces anti-Stokes shifted signal (blueshifted with respect to excitation pulses), it is free from single photon click here fluorescence, which hampers spontaneous Raman measurements. Unlike spontaneous Raman where the anti-Stokes scattering is much weaker than the Stokes scattering, the CARS process actively
drives molecules into a specific vibrational mode and therefore generates significantly more signal with reduced temperature sensitivity. CARS microscopy has been used to image a few pharmaceutical systems during drug release. Kang et al. [21], [22] and [23] published work where they imaged in situ release of paclitaxel from polymeric films in a static medium (phosphate buffer) using CARS microscopy. In the first work focusing on orally administered drugs and dosage forms, Windbergs et al. [24] and Jurna et al. [25] used CARS microscopy to image the distribution
of TP in lipid dosage forms and monitored the release of TP during dissolution in a flow through cell setup. They were able to image both drug release and conversion from TPa to TPm in real time. We have developed a new analytical technique to record the dissolved drug concentration and simultaneously monitor solid-state changes on the surface of the oral solid dosage form undergoing dissolution. Furthermore, we have applied hyperspectral CARS microscopy for improved solid-state form characterization. We illustrate the PD-332991 use of these techniques using the model drug theophylline (TP) in different Unoprostone dissolution media. USP grade theophylline (TP, 1,3-dimethyl-7H-purine-2,6-dione) anhydrate and monohydrate were gifted from BASF (Ludwigshafen, Germany). Methyl cellulose (MC) (Methocel A4C premium) was gifted from Colorcon GmbH (Idstein, Germany). Weighed amounts of TPa and TPm (0.49 g) were directly compressed using a force feed tablet
press (IMA Kilian Pressima, Italy). The upper punch had a pre-compression height of 9.22 mm and a final compression height of 3.02 mm using a compaction force of about 13 kN, resulting in compacts which had a diameter of 12.02 mm and a thickness of about 3 mm. The compression did not result in changes in the solid-state form, which we confirmed using hyperspectral CARS microscopy. The CARS microscopy system is illustrated in Fig. 1 and is described in more detail elsewhere [26]. A Nd:YVO4 picosecond pulsed laser (Coherent Inc., USA) operating at a fundamental wavelength of 1064 nm was frequency doubled to pump an optical parametric oscillator (OPO) (APE Berlin GmbH, Germany), which produced two dependently tunable laser beams. The fundamental laser beam was combined with the signal beam from the OPO and directed into an inverted laser-scanning microscope (Olympus IX71/FV300, Japan) where they were focused onto the sample using a 20×/0.5 NA objective.