Given the efficacy of HBV vaccines, vaccination in travelers to regions with a moderate to high prevalence of HBV should be considered. Although it is clear that
travelers are at risk of HCV infection, the incidence of HCV infection in travelers needs to be characterized further. Unfortunately, no vaccine exists to prevent HCV infection, so prevention relies on education and behavioral modification to avoid high-risk activities. A challenge for health practitioners is that many travelers have poor knowledge and perception of the risk of infections while traveling, poor uptake of preventative health measures including vaccines, and poor rates of adherence to health recommendations.[82] Raising awareness about HBV and HCV infection and improving access to pre-travel advice are critical to help prevent acquisition of these viral infections in travelers, particularly in the current era of increasing medical tourism. The authors state that they have no conflicts Everolimus of interest. “
“Background. Evidence-based guidelines to prevent travelers’ thrombosis (TT) are still missing. We wanted to know whether travelers perceive the risk of TT, how they and their physicians cope with this in daily life, and whether recommended thrombosis
prophylaxis (TP) was actually performed. Methods. A standardized questionnaire (Q1) asking for age, gender, travel habits, and the assessment of the risk of TT was given to randomly incoming travelers seeking for travel medicine advice prior to long haul travel. A second questionnaire (Q3) focusing on the actually performed TP was answered by these travelers after return. The physician Sitaxentan assessed travelers’ thrombosis risk (TR) and gave specific recommendations for TP in questionnaire Q2. Besides analysis of age, gender, the awareness of the risk of TT, travelers’ TR, duration, and kind of travel, we compared performed and recommended TP and analyzed the influence of relevant factors on TP.
Result. A total of 315 travelers (43.3% male, aged 43.2 ± 15.9 y) took part in this survey. We received responses from 275, 309, and 248 travelers who answered Q1, Q2, and Q3, respectively. Travelers (91.6%) were aware of the risk of TT which was significantly higher among travelers aged 60 years and older. Travelers’ TR had a significant influence on recommended and performed TP (p < 0.001). We found a moderate agreement between recommended and performed TP (kappa coefficient = 0.54). More travelers than recommended performed a specific TP (49.6% vs 39.8%) which was mainly done by the intake of acetylsalicylic acid (ASA). Conclusions. Travelers are well aware of the risk of TT and are compliant to perform at least the recommended TP for which physicians predominantly consider travelers’ TR.