However, studies assessing the frequency of remitted patients being in adequate quality of life have found that only 60% to 70% of patients display a satisfying quality of life. Other outcome criteria With respect to other outcome dimensions, 6 studies have found that remitted vs nonremitted patients had less consumption of health care resources, fewer relapses in the respective follow-up period, and fewer unmet needs. However, cognitive performance or neuropsychological improvements were Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical not related to remission status in two of three studies. Further, the respective studies on cognition do not answer the question
whether patients with remission Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical display better cognitive functioning or if patients with a higher level of cognitive performance are more likely to meet remission criteria. Table II Relationship of symptomatic remission according to Andreasen et al1 to other outcome criteria in schizophrenia (sorted according to assessment time points). (1) Data are only reported when already remitted patients were compared with nonremitters at baseline; … Frequencies of remission The reported frequencies of the RSWG criteria could be classified in following categories: (i) frequencies Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of the cross-sectional symptom-severity remission
criterion; (ii) frequencies of patients fulfilling both Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the symptomseverity and the time criterion; (iii) frequencies on the stability of remission criteria over time. Studies were restricted to those with at least 6-month follow-up
(Table III). As many studies especially focused on first-episode patients they are reported separately in this section. Since March 2005, more than 30 publications have reported frequencies of fulfilled remission criteria in first- and multiple episode psychosis/schizophrenia, 17 in multiple episode and 15 in first-episode patients Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical (Table III). Follow-up Vemurafenib manufacturer periods vary between 6 months and 5 years. Completer frequencies (if reported) vary between 40% and 80% with an average percentage of approximately 60% of patients who completed the respective follow-up remission assessment. The following conclusions could be drawn (numbers represent mean frequencies across studies): Many TCL patients (45% to 70%) fulfill remission criteria at some point during the respective follow-up period with higher percentages when the time criterion is omitted (61% vs 47%). At follow-up in completers, more patients fulfill remission criteria when the time criterion is omitted (56% vs 44%). In first- and multiple episode completers, using the severity remission criteria only, there is an increase of remission frequencies between 6-month and 24-month follow-ups (6-month: 46%, 12-month: 52%, 24-month: 63%) with 51% fulfilling the criteria at longer followup periods.