Intrinsic autofluorescence imaging responses (Figures 1B and S1B) suggested that, of these three higher visual areas, areas AL and PM were strongly driven by different combinations of spatial and temporal frequencies, while area LM demonstrated a response profile more similar to that of area V1 (Figure 1B; see also Van den Bergh et al., 2010 and Wang and Burkhalter, 2007). For this reason, we targeted our calcium imaging experiments to areas
AL, PM, and V1 (Figures 1C and 1D). During calcium Dolutegravir price imaging—both widefield epifluorescence imaging of entire areas (Figures 1C and 1D) and two-photon laser-scanning microscopy of individual neurons (Figure 2, Figure 3 and Figure 4)—we presented stimuli at one of five spatial frequencies and seven temporal frequencies, corresponding to a range of stimulus speeds of almost three orders of magnitude. Figure 1D illustrates the average visual responses of GCaMP3-labeled neurons within areas AL and PM of an example mouse, using widefield calcium imaging. We observed clear differences in spatial and temporal frequency sensitivity across areas. Specifically, area AL preferred lower spatial and higher temporal frequencies (and thus, higher speeds), Selleckchem VE-821 while area PM preferred higher spatial and lower temporal frequencies (and lower speeds). While widefield imaging can reveal such population biases, it
cannot assess the diversity of tuning across individual neighboring neurons. Thus, we concentrated our efforts on two-photon cellular imaging of GCaMP3 fluorescence. To determine the diversity in stimulus preferences of neurons within and across areas in awake mouse, we recorded cellular calcium responses using two-photon imaging in layer II/III of cortical areas V1, AL, and PM (Figure 2A). We confirmed the precise location of the imaged volume by comparing surface vasculature in two-photon and widefield images (see Experimental Procedures). We recorded calcium signals simultaneously
from several dozen neurons in a volume spanning ∼ 200 μm new × 200 μm × 45 μm at a rate of 1 Hz (using a piezoelectric objective Z-scanner; Kerlin et al., 2010). By correcting for slow drifts in neuron location within the imaged volume (<10 μm), we were able to record robust evoked responses from the same neurons for several hours, allowing estimation of the spatial and temporal frequency tuning for individual neurons, as illustrated in Figures 2B and 2C (top panels). Responses in the spatial by temporal frequency plane were fit to oriented two-dimensional Gaussians (Figures 2B and 2C, bottom panels; see Priebe et al., 2006 and Experimental Procedures) to quantify the tuning for spatial and temporal frequency and speed. These estimates were obtained from trials when the mouse was either stationary or walking freely on the trackball.