M T , et al 2012 [9] The objective of this study therefore, was

M.T., et al. 2012 [9]. The objective of this study therefore, was to apply a microdosimetric kinetic model with Mg2+ as a trace element and carry out detailed measurements of CX produced by D. natronolimnaea svgcc1.2736 strains using response surface methodology (RSM). This work focuses on the various influencing factors that may be employed to improve D. natronolimnaea svgcc1.2736 strains and also addresses the complex problems of media optimization and the fine-tuning of process conditions. Furthermore, this work aimed to explore emerging technologies and optimal media design

for tracking mutants displaying enhanced production of microbial CX or other desirable attributes. Results and discussion Mathematical description of surviving fraction D. natronolimnaea svgcc1.2736 strains KU-57788 supplier were irradiated by four energies: 30 MeV u-1, 45 MeV u-1, 60 MeV u-1 and 90 MeV u-1,

generated by a 12C6+ heavy ion accelerator. Initial LET beam energies of the 12C6+ ions were 60 keV μm-1, 80 keV μm-1, 100 keV μm-1 and 120 keV μm-1, respectively. Figure 1 shows survival curves of the strains check details with different energies and LETs. The survival curves were fitted by a MLN2238 linear quadratic model, which for the four energies gave values of 0.137±0.003 Gy-1 and 0.04 Gy-2, 0.149±0.005 Gy-1 and 0.05 Gy-2, and 0.167±0.006 Gy-1 and 0.193±0.007 Gy-1 respectively. The essential difference compared with Equation (3) is, that the linear-quadratic approach allows for a finite initial slope to be calculated [28]. The different values correspond PLEK2 to curves obtained from the standard graph and use of Equation (4) [29]. These curves assume the effectiveness towards microdosimetry is completely described by the linear α-term in Equation (4) [30]. Fitting two parameters to the limited

survival data of these strains would cause large errors because of anticorrelation between α and β values [31]. For this reason only the α value was fitted with a constant β value. This is analogous to the microdosimetric kinetic model (MKM) used to calculate relative biological effectiveness (RBE) values. Equation (5) is a general formula used in the local effect model [32]; it does not rely on any particular representation of the photon dose response curve [33]. The formula can be applied even if only numerical values of S(D) are available [34]. For practical reasons, however, a linear-quadratic approach for the low-LET dose response curve is generally used [35]. Figure 1 Survival of normal Dietzia natronolimnaea svgcc1.2736 strains after irradiation by 12 C 6+ ion beams of different initial energies and LETs at dose levels of 0.5 to 5 Gy. (A) Surviving fraction of D. natronolimnaea svgcc1.2736 strains after irradiation with 60, 80, 100 and 120 keV/μm (LETs) and 30 MeV/u (energy) 12C6+-ions are compared. (B) Surviving fraction of D. natronolimnaea svgcc1.2736 strains after irradiation with 60, 80, 100 and 120 keV/μm (LETs) and 45 MeV/u (energy) 12C6+-ions are compared. (C) Surviving fraction of D.

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