Overall survival was analyzed using the Kaplan-Meier method and evaluated by the log-rank test. Significant differences were considered at p < 0.05. The cutoff point was also p < 0.05 for univariate Talazoparib clinical trial and multivariate Cox proportional hazard model analysis. Results p53AIP1 and survivin expression in primary non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) was evaluated by real-time
RT-PCR. All 47 samples were studied with paired histopathologically normal lung tissues which were far from the tumor margin. Table 1 shows a correlation between the clinicopathological status and p53AIP1 and survivin gene expressions. Although no relationship between the p53AIP1 gene expression and variables (age, sex, smoking index (SI), tumor size, nodal status, histological type) was not found, the survivin gene expression-positive rates in the node metastasis-positive group were significantly find more higher than in the negative group (p = 0.03). Table 1 Correlation between p53AIP1 or survivin expression
and clinicopathological characteristics Characteristics All patients p53AIP1 positive p Survivin positive p Age <70 19 11 14 ≥70 28 14 0.23 14 0.45 Sex male 14 6 11 female 33 19 0.36 17 0.08 Smoking <400 19 10 13 index ≥400 28 15 0.95 15 0.31 Tumor T1 27 16 18 T2 16 9 8 T3 4 0 0.08 2 0.52 Nodal status N0 33 12 10 N1 14 5 0.17 9 0.03* Histologic type Ad 27 12 19 Sq 16 10 7 others 4 3 0.34 2 0.22 Ad, adenocarcinoma; Sq, squarmous cell carcinoma * statistically significant Figure 1 shows the overall survival
Y-27632 2HCl curves by Kaplan-Meier analysis for patients with non-small cell lung cancer classified according to p53AIP1 expression (positive, tumor/normal ratio ≥ negative, <1). Patients in the positive p53AIP1 expression group have a better prognosis than the negative expression group (p = 0.04). The median follow-up period was 5.4 years (1.2 to 8.4 years); however, the superiority of the survivin expression negative group to the positive group for overall survival was not significant (Figure 2). When we compared the prognosis according to the variable combination between p53AIP1 and survivin, the p53AIP (+) survivin (-) group had the best prognosis (Figure 3). In contrast, the p53AIP (-) survivin (+) group showed the worst prognosis and the other two groups were intermediate. In univariate analysis using age, tumor size, lymph node metastasis, histological type, survivin expression, p53AIP1 expression, and the combination of p53AIP1 and survivin, p53AIP1 and the combination were statistically significant (Table 2). Figure 1 Overall survival curves according to p53AIP1 gene expression. Differences are significant (p = 0.04). Number of patients in each group, positive, 22; negative, 25. Figure 2 Overall survival curves according to survivin gene expression. Differences are not significant (p = 0.36. Number of patients in each group, positive, 28; negative, 19.