Statistical analysis Most results are presented as the mean stand

Statistical analysis Most results are presented as the mean standard devi ation. Differences between data sets were assessed for significance using Students t test, and a p value less than 0. 05 was considered significant. Results The effect of HPV 16 E2 on cervical squamous carcinoma cell viability, migration and proliferation To e plore the effect of HPV 16 E2 on cervical squa mous carcinoma cell viability, C33a and SiHa cells were assessed using a WST 1 assay following treatment with unmodified media, empty vector, HPV 16 E2 and a HPV 16 E2 mutant. The data are presented in Figure 1A. HPV 16 E2 e pression decreased cell via bility compared with the unmodified media group, while there was no change in cell viability in the empty vector or HPV 16 E2 mutant group compared with the un modified media group.

Cell viability was notably de creased in cells transfected with the HPV 16 E2 vector compared with the empty vector group. moreover, cell viability was significantly different between the HPV 16 E2 and HPV 16 E2 mutant group. The number of migrated cells was significantly lower in cells that were transfected with HPV 16 E2 compared with the unmodified media group. The number of mi grated cells was not different among the empty vector group, the HPV 16 E2 mutant group and the unmodified media group. Transfection of HPV 16 E2 sig nificantly reduced the number of migrated cells com pared with the empty vector group, whereas HPV 16 E2 mutant transfection significantly increased the number of migrated cells compared with the HPV 16 E2 vector group.

As shown in Figure 1C, cervical squamous carcinoma cell DNA synthesis was lower in the HPV 16 E2 vector group than in the unmodified group. However, there was no difference in cell proliferation among the empty vector group, the HPV 16 E2 mutant group and the un modified media group. HPV 16 E2 vector transfection resulted in significantly reduced DNA synthesis in C33a and SiHa cells compared with the empty vector group, whereas HPV 16 E2 mutant trans fection significantly increased the number of proliferat ing cells compared with the HPV 16 E2 vector group. The effect of HPV 16 E2 on gC1qR e pression in cervical squamous carcinoma cells To investigate the effect of HPV 16 E2 on gC1qR e pression in cervical squamous carcinoma cell lines, C33a and SiHa cells were treated with unmodified media, empty vector, HPV 16 E2 and a HPV 16 E2 mutant. Real time PCR and Western blot analysis results demonstrated that the gC1qR e pression levels were sig nificantly increased in the HPV 16 E2 group compared with the unmodified media and empty vector groups. However, gC1qR gene e pression in the HPV 16 E2 mutant vector treated group was notably lower than that GSK-3 in the HPV 16 E2 vector group.

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