This type of information may be provided through documents, telephone, or a specific invited meeting presentation without otherwise involving pharmaceutical representatives in the NITAG process, for example, the example of the United Kingdom.
Other less obvious conflicts, such as competing priorities within different parts of the MOH and impact on private practitioners if governments recommend a vaccine free-of-charge through the public sector, were not explicitly addressed. Official committee terms were relatively limited, but the option of reappointment made de facto committee terms lengthy in many countries. Many countries also cited a lack of local expertise and it is possible that this has influenced the decision by some countries to forego time-limited NSC 683864 or short-term committee appointments. The final impact of a committee is in its influence on policy. In most countries, committee decisions were advisory and thus their influence on policy derived from the respect in which national decision SB431542 solubility dmso makers held the NITAG. In four countries, influence was assured through some measure of legal obligation conferred by committee decisions. Regardless, the most common reason provided for lack of implementation was financial limitations and in two countries in which recommendations carried a legal
obligation this was true only if economic criteria were met. Thus it was not surprising that the most common area noted for improvement was more emphasis on economic issues. Some may wonder why countries need NITAGs given the issuance of global or regional recommendations by WHO and its advisory bodies. Although many countries indicated that their recommendations were always in line with those of WHO, others reported that adjustment was necessary at the national level. This helps emphasize that while global or regional WHO guidance is important for countries to consider, NITAGs play a critical role in placing
these recommendations found into a context that considers local differences in national budgets, disease epidemiology, and health priorities. Moreover, WHO recommendations do not cover the full scope of vaccine and immunization issues of national concern. NITAGs are likely to continue to increase in number and influence over vaccine policies. Many countries that do not have NITAGs have taken decisions to initiate them, as evidenced by the recent inauguration of a NITAG in Cote d’Ivoire (with support from the SIVAC Initiative). NITAGs, including many of those reported in this supplement, have seen their workloads and responsibility increase, for example in response to the influenza pandemic. Because of this, it is essential that these committees function well and reach scientifically sound, evidence-based decisions.