We used broth based microtitre plate assays to determine minimum

We used broth based microtitre plate assays to determine minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) and combined FICs against a range of Gram negative and representative Gram positive strains (Table 1). It was apparent that a combination of lacticin 3147 and polymyxin B or E had an indifferent effect (FIC = 1.25 and 1.125 respectively) against Salmonella Typhimurium UK1 and an antagonistic effect (FIC > 4) was observed in the case of the LT2 strain. However, combining these antimicrobials against other targets gave more positive results. Indeed, a high level

of synergy was observed against Cronobacter sakazakii strain 6440, with an FIC index corresponding Apoptosis inhibitor to 0.250 for a lacticin 3147 and polymyxin B combination and 0.062 for a lacticin 3147 and polymyxin E combination. FIC values here were determined on the basis of the reduction in MIC values for the polymyxins alone as an MIC value for lacticin 3147 could not be determined as it is not active against C. sakazakii, even at the highest level tested (924 μg/ml). However, it can be established that the FIC is <0.312 for lacticin 3147 in combination with polymyxin B and <0.125 when combined with polymyxin E. Figure 1 Antibiotic disc-based assessment of lacticin 3147 and polymyxin B/E sensitivity and synergy. Antibiotic discs infused with polymyxin B and polymyxin E were placed on agar plates swabbed with E. faecium DO and E. coli EC101. Lacticin

3147 (1.2, 1.9 or 2.5 μg) was added to additional MCC 950 discs containing the respective polymyxins and to blank, non-polymyxin containing, controls. Results are the outcome of duplicate experiments and are expressed as total area of inhibitory zone expressed in mm2. Table 1 MIC data for lacticin 3147, polymyxin B and polymyxin E alone and in combination Organism MIC (μg/ml)   Lacticin 3147 Polymyxin B Polymyxin E Lacticin 3147/ FIC Lacticin 3147/ FIC         Polymyxin B   Polymyxin

E   Salmonella Typhimurium UK1 924 0.0586 0.0586 924/0.015 1.25d 924/0.0073 1.125d Salmonella Typhimurium LT2 231 0.3125 0.4688 No MIC >4e No MIC >4e Cronobacter sakazakii DPC 6440 >924 0.3125 0.3125 57.75/0.0781 0.250 (<0.312)*a 57.75/0.0195 0.062 (<0.125)*a VAV2 E. coli 0157:H- 231 0.0586 0.0781 28.875/0.0073 0.250a 28.875/0.0049 0.188a E. coli DH5α 462 0.0781 0.0781 28.875/.0098 0.188a 28.875/0.0098 0.188a E. coli EC101 462 0.0781 0.0781 14.4375/.0391 0.5a 28.875/0.0098 0.188a E. faecium DO 0.9625 >375 >375 0.9625/23.4375 1c 0.9652/23.4375 1c B. cereus 8079 3.85 187.5 375 1.925/23.4375 0.62b 3.85/375 2d S .aureus 5247 15.4 187.5 >375 7.7/46.875 0.75b 15.4/23.4375 1c FIC figures have been calculated as a result of triplicate experiments and indicate asynergy, bfor partial synergy, cadditive effects, dindifference, and KPT-8602 order eantagonism between the combined antimicrobials. *FIC index which includes the reduction in lacticin 3147 MIC from the highest level tested to that which achieves an MIC in the presence of polymyxin.

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