The successful substructure solution presented here adds to the d

The successful substructure solution presented here adds to the database of largest selenium substructures that has been determined to date [30]. Although the diffraction

limit of the CaAK crystals was relatively low (3 Å resolution). However, the resolution was compensated by the significant level of non-crystallographic symmetry (NCS) restraints, enabling refinement of the structure. The overall geometry of the model is of good quality, with 86% of the residues in the most favored regions and 14% in allowed regions of the Ramachandran map and model was refined to an R-factor of 20.7% (Rfree of 27.3%). CaAK monomer belongs to the class I type AKs which consists of one catalytic domain and two ACT domains ( Fig. 1a) [25]. The superposition of complete chain of A on the other 11 chains yields root-mean-square deviation (r.m.s.d) Tacrolimus mw between 0.68 Å and 1.36 Å, indicating that all 12 chains in the asymmetric unit of the CaAK crystal are similar. The superposition of CaAK dimer AB on the other dimers CD, EF, GH, IJ and KL in the asymmetric unit yield r.m.s.d’s of 1.1 Å, 1.86 Å, 1.5 Å, 1.63 Å and 1.67 Å, respectively. The active biological PD0332991 cell line unit of aspartate kinases is homodimeric which is formed between identical ACT domains from two neighboring subunits ( Fig. 1b). ACT1 domains

from chain A and B are arranged side-by-side with the creation of two equivalent effector binding sites at the interface. Similarly, ACT2 of one monomer interacts with the ACT2 of the other monomer. The homodimers are further associates into CaAK tetramer ( Aldol condensation Fig. 1c). There were three tetramers of CaAK observed in the asymmetric unit. A simultaneous least-squares superposition of the tetramer ABCD on to EFGH and IJKL tetramers results in alignment with r.m.s.d’s of 2.4 and 2.9 Å, respectively. The three tetramers of CaAK comprise six homodimers which exhibits essentially identical overall dimeric

architecture. The overall fold is similar to the other class I AKs although these shares very low sequence identity. Specifically, Fig. 2 compares E. coli aspartate kinase III (EcAkIII-PDB 2J0X and 2J0W with r.m.s.d 2.2 Å and 3.8 Å, respectively; 25.9% sequence identity) [26], A. thaliana aspartate kinase (AtAK-PDB 2CDQ; rmsd 3.0 Å; 26% sequence identity) [28], and M. jannaschii aspartate kinase (MjAK-PDB 3C1N, 3C20 and 3C1M with rmsd 2.6 Å, 3.0 Å and 4.3 Å, respectively; 27.9% sequence identity) [27]. The N-terminal domain of CaAK is considered to be the catalytic domain (AKα-residues 1–282) and belongs to the amino-acid kinase family [31] with a conserved eight-stranded β-sheet sandwiched between two layers of α-helices. The catalytic domain is further divided into the N-terminal lobe (residues 1–200 shown in purple) and the C-terminal lobe (residues 201–282 shown in brown color) [26], [27] and [28].

The models resulting from such synthesis have revealed many novel

The models resulting from such synthesis have revealed many novel insights into heart morphogenesis and, by extrapolation to humans, have shed light on the likely origins of several cardiac malformations. Generating accurate 3D models of complex structures such as the embryonic heart is an age-old problem, initially addressed over a century ago using camera lucida techniques with microtome sections as the basis for wax models. Despite the many advances in imaging technologies including 3D imaging modalities that have transformed medical diagnosis, adapting these to analyse in the

millimetre range necessary for embryos has proved challenging. As yet, neither magnetic resonance imaging nor the various tomographic methods check details (such as OPT and CT) can provide the resolution required to accurately model the changing morphology of the mouse heart over the course of embryonic development. The modern counterpart to the plate modelling of such nineteenth century pioneers as Born, His and Ziegler [1, 2 and 3] remains remarkably similar: computer-based 3D rendering using realigned images of histological tissue sections. Paradoxically, selleck chemical although images of histological sections are unmatched in the extraordinary detail of tissue and cellular architecture they can reveal, much

of this is lost from the 3D models produced by realigning sequential section images. This is a consequence of the variable and unpredictable distortions produced by tissue sectioning and staining and attempts to overcome this through choice of embedding medium, the inclusion of fiduciary markers or by computation have had only limited success [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11•, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17]. Episcopic 3D imaging methods provide a solution to this problem, replacing individual section

images with images of the embedded tissue block face [18•, 19•, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24]. High-resolution episcopic microscopy (HREM) has proved the most effective of these, using the simple expedient of fluorescent dyes in the plastic embedding medium to obtain very detailed greyscale images from Alectinib a wide range of biological tissues and optical magnifications [25••]. For this reason it is particularly well suited to provide accurate data sets with which to explore the changing morphology of the developing heart (Figure 1a). Automation of a relatively rapid image capture cycle and the ability to choose inter-image distances as little as 1 μm with HREM equipment have several important benefits. Firstly, it is practical to analyse large numbers of samples. This is particularly helpful for analysing subtle or rapid developmental changes that make analysis of cardiac morphogenesis so challenging.

The most important components of the sprat’s diet are micro- and

The most important components of the sprat’s diet are micro- and mesozooplankton – copepods, cladocerans and rotifers. The diet of the herring is dominated by micro- and mesozooplankton in the first period of life, but older fish consume mainly mysidaceans (macrozooplankton) (Załachowski et al., 1975 and Wiktor, selleck chemicals 1990). The copepods in the sprat and herring diet are represented mostly by Pseudocalanus minutus elongatus, Acartia spp. and Temora longicornis ( Załachowski et al., 1975 and Wiktor, 1990). Copepods are the most abundant zooplankton species

in the Baltic Sea and adjacent waters. Numerous environmental factors – most importantly, temperature – govern essential physiological and metabolic processes in copepods. Together with food quality and concentration, this affects mortality PD0332991 rates (Hirst & Kiørbe 2002), egg production (Halsband-Lenk et al. 2002) and the growth and development rates of these animals (Twombly and Burns, 1996, Campbell et al., 2001, Peterson, 2001, Hirst and Kiørbe, 2002, Leandro et al., 2006a and Leandro

et al., 2006b). In copepods, stage durations decrease and growth rates increase significantly with temperature, causing the animals to develop faster (Leandro et al., 2006a and Leandro et al., 2006b). Temperature also has a very important influence on moulting rates in juveniles (Hirst & Bunker 2003). Experiments on the growth rate of T. longicornis suggest that this parameter is directly proportional to food concentration ( Harris and Paffenhöfer, 1976a, Harris and Paffenhöfer, 1976b and Klein Breteler et al., 1982) and is strongly influenced

by food quality ( Klein Breteler et al. 1990). The development of T. longicornis has also been found to accelerate with temperature ( McLaren, 1978, Martens, 1980, Klein Breteler and Gonzalez, 1986, Hay et al., 1988 and Fransz et al., 1989). However, the combined effect of food concentration and temperature as a function of these parameters on the growth and development rates of T. longicornis at each of the model stages (naupliar, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5) is Carnitine palmitoyltransferase II established in this paper. Recently, quantitative expressions describing the effects of temperature and food concentration on the growth and development of P. minutus elongatus and Acartia spp. were presented by Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, 2004, Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, 2005a and Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, 2005b) and Dzierzbicka-Głowacka et al., 2006 and Dzierzbicka-Głowacka et al., 2009a. The experimental data given by Klein Breteler and Gonzalez, 1986, Klein Breteler et al., 1982 and Klein Breteler et al., 1990were sufficient to do likewise for T. longicornis. The present work advances the idea of establishing the combined effect of temperature and food concentration on the development and growth of the naupliar stage and copepodid stages (C1, C2, C3, C4, C5) of T. longicornis.

Subculturing was done on hormone free MS medium after every 2 wee

Subculturing was done on hormone free MS medium after every 2 weeks and the data of each subculture passages was recorded. The percentage of explant producing shoots, number of shoots per explant and shoot length were recorded after 4 and 8 weeks of culture.

In vitro rooting method was employed using protocol established by Jahan EPZ015666 ic50 and Anis [5]. Plantlets with well developed roots and shoots were removed from the culture medium and washed gently under running tap water to remove any adherent gel from the roots and transferred to thermo cups containing sterile soilrite. These were kept under diffuse light conditions (16:8 h photoperiod) covered with transparent polythene bags to ensure high humidity, irrigated after every 3 days with half-strength MS salt solution (without vitamins) for 2 weeks. Polythene membranes were removed after 2 weeks in order to acclimatize the plantlets

and after 4 weeks they were transferred to earthen pots containing garden soil and vermicompost (1:1) and maintained in a greenhouse under normal day length conditions. To determine antioxidant enzyme activity, 0.5 g fresh leaf tissue, collected from 2 and 4 weeks selleck antibody inhibitor regenerated adventitious shoots and from 2 and 4 weeks micropropagated plantlets, respectively, was homogenized in 2.0 ml 0.5 M phosphate extraction buffer (pH7.5) containing 1% polyvinylpyrrolidone, 1%Triton X-100, and 0.1 g Carbohydrate ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) using a prechilled mortar and pestle. The homogenate was filtered through four layers of cheesecloth and centrifuged at 15,000 rpm for 20 min. The supernatant was used for protein determination and enzyme

assays. Extraction was carried out in the dark at 4 °C. A high-speed centrifuge (Remi Instruments Ltd., Goregaon East, MH, India) and UV–visible spectrophotometer (Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) were used. (SOD; EC activity, described by Dhindsa et al. [9], was measured by monitoring the inhibition of photochemical reduction of nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) in a reaction mixture consisting of 0.5 M phosphate buffer (pH7.5), 0.1 mM EDTA, 13 mM methionine, 63 mM NBT, 1.3 mM riboflavin, and 0.1 ml enzyme extract. The reaction mixture was irradiated for 15 min and absorbance was measured at 560 nm against the non-irradiated blank. (CAT; EC activity was assayed from the rate of H2O2 decomposition as measured by the decrease of absorbance at 240 nm, following the method of Aebi [10]. The assay mixture contained 50 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) and 100 μl enzyme extract in a total volume of 3 ml, and the reaction was started by addition of 10 mM H2O2. (GR; EC activity was measured using the protocol described by Foyer and Halliwell [11], and as modified by Rao [12] on glutathione dependent oxidation of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) at 340 nm.

, 2004a; De Castro Bastos et al , 2004, Bohrer

et al , 20

, 2004a; De Castro Bastos et al., 2004, Bohrer

et al., 2007 and Nascimento-Silva et al., 2012). Despite understanding the mechanisms involved in the hemorrhagic syndrome, little is known about the systemic physiopathological selleck compound effects induced by L. obliqua venom. Although venom components have been detected in several organs (including the kidneys, lungs, liver, spleen, heart and skeletal muscle) of rats following a single subcutaneous injection of the venom, the systemic tissue damage in these organs remains poorly characterized ( Rocha-Campos et al., 2001 and Da Silva et al., 2004b). For example, the current level of knowledge regarding the kidney damage is based only on a few clinical case reports in which hematuria and high levels of serum creatinine are described as the main features of L. obliqua-induced AKI ( Burdmann et al., 1996). The venom-induced pathology in other organs remains completely unknown. In human patients, the impossibility of conducting early tissue biopsies, due to the coagulation disturbances inherent to the envenomation, has made it difficult to analyze the acute anatomopathological alterations. For these reasons, we believe that animal models of envenomation may be useful not only to characterize the underlying physiopathology but also to identify previously

unknown toxic activities of the venom. Therefore, the aim of the present work was to develop a rat model to study systemic tissue damage during L. obliqua envenomation. An array of acute effects of the venom was characterized, including biochemical, hematological, histopathological, myotoxic and genotoxic alterations. In summary, our data indicate that in addition to hemostatic abnormalities, there are Aldol condensation also signs of multi-organ damage, mainly in the lungs,

heart, kidneys and spleen. Treatment with ALS is only effective at counteracting the systemic physiopathological effects if it is administered during the initial phase of envenomation. In addition, this study provides the first experimental evidence of the cardiotoxic, myotoxic and genotoxic activities of L. obliqua venom. L. obliqua caterpillars were kindly provided by the Centro de Informações Toxicológicas (CIT), Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The specimens used in this study were collected in the cities of Bom Princípio (Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil) and Videira (Santa Catarina, Brazil). L. obliqua venom was obtained by cutting the bristles at the caterpillar’s tegument insertion, and the excised material was kept at 4 °C prior to the preparation of the extract, which occurred immediately after dissection. The bristles were macerated in cold phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), pH = 7.4, and centrifuged at 9600 × g for 20 min.

However, both a single bout of exercise and physical training mob

However, both a single bout of exercise and physical training mobilizes vasodilator prostanoids to participate with NO in a redundant fashion [26] in the Ang II responses in femoral veins are modulated. Assuming that the Ang II responses

in the femoral vein must be constantly modulated to avoid an uncontrolled increase in the resistance of blood flow in the body, prostanoids apparently serve as a backup mechanism during exercise [7]. Vasodilator prostaglandins have also been shown to counteract renal actions of endogenous Ang II in sodium-depleted humans when NO synthesis is inhibited [30]. Other studies suggest that, depending on the vascular territory, prostaglandins are even more important than NO in modulating the hemodynamic responses to Ang II [1], [6] and [36]. In parallel, it was suggested that shear stress may reduce the tone of skeletal muscle venules by releasing endothelial NO and GSK2118436 price prostanoids [13]. The influence of exercise-induced shear stress upon the interaction between Ang II, NO and vasodilator prostanoids was also proposed in the rat portal vein [3]. Therefore, exercise-induced shear stress may stimulate the synthesis of vasodilator prostanoids in femoral veins,

thus resulting in reduction of Ang II responses. The participation of ET-1 in femoral vein responses to Ang II was also investigated in the present study. This approach was necessary because the involvement of ET-1 in exercise-induced modifications of Ang II responses was previously proposed in the rat portal vein [3]. Moreover, it Farnesyltransferase has been reported that Ang II induces the release of ET-1 in rat aorta which, in turn, modulates the contractile responses of this vascular bed to Ang II [28]. Thus, in the present study, the difference in Ang II responses observed between groups in the presence of L-NAME was suppressed by co-treatment with BQ-123. This occurred in part because the Ang II responses in preparations taken from resting-sedentary animals were attenuated in the presence of BQ-123. Therefore, in animals not exposed to exercise, Ang II appears to induce the release of ET-1 in

femoral veins, which enhances the response of Ang II through the activation of ETA. On the other hand, the presence of BQ-123 also increased Ang II responses in preparations taken from exercised-sedentary, resting-trained and exercised-trained animals, suppressing the difference observed in the presence of L-NAME only. These data indicate that, in femoral veins taken from animals subjected to acute or repeated exercise, Ang II promotes release of ET-1 and this, in turn, releases vasodilator substances through ETA, thereby attenuating the Ang II responses. These vasodilator substances are most likely vasodilator prostanoids because BQ-123 failed to reduce Ang II responses when indomethacin was added to the organ bath.

This analysis is based on the method as previously described (Ren

This analysis is based on the method as previously described (Renard et STI571 mw al., 2011) and distinguishes

those peptide features that carry a signal from those features that only display noise. Data from each individual slide was combined with data from the control slide to create two distributions of data (noise and signal). We then calculated four potential threshold values for positivity with increasing levels of stringency: the false discovery rate cutoff (FDR cutoff), the point at which the chance that signal is noise is P < 0.01, 5 standard deviations above the mean of the noise distribution (SD.noise*5), and the point at which the chance that signal is noise is very low at P < 10− 16. The raw magnitude, or fluorescent intensity, of antibody binding to individual peptides (averaged over the 3 sub-arrays as described above) was sorted and categorized Daporinad molecular weight by (1) HIV-1 protein, (2) amino acid start position as aligned to HXB2 HIV-1 reference strain, and (3) HIV-1 clade or CRF within which the peptide sequence can be found. This sorting was performed using the custom-designed R script “Table_select_V01” (available as Appendix 3). To correct for any direct binding of the secondary antibody to linear

peptides, the fluorescent intensity of antibody binding measured on the control slide was subtracted from the fluorescent intensity of antibody binding measured on the sample slide. Finally, all corrected

fluorescent intensities were compared to the calculated threshold for positivity, and all values above the threshold were considered positive (with the rest of the values changed to “0” and considered negative). For these studies, we chose the threshold SD.noise*5. To calculate the breadth of antibody binding, we evaluated the number of positive peptides for each sample and aligned the peptide sequences to eliminate overlap. If any positive peptide sequences shared 5 or more contiguous amino acids, we assumed that the peptides were recognized by the same antigen-binding site on a single antibody; these overlapping sequences were conservatively defined as a single positive “binding site.” If the first and last overlapping peptide in a string of overlapping peptides shared 4 or less amino acids, we Endonuclease assumed that the peptides were recognized by a minimum of two antibody sites (on either two antibodies or the same antibody). This approach to calculating antibody breadth is based on established methods to calculate T cell breadth, essentially as described in (Stephenson et al., 2012). The primary difference is that the overlapping region for T cells is usually 9 or more amino acids, reflecting the structure of CD4/CD8 T cell binding pockets. For antibodies, the antigen-binding site can range in length, and for conformational epitopes may not be contiguous.

1) REPC express ecto-5′-nucleotidase (CD73) and platelet-derived

1). REPC express ecto-5′-nucleotidase (CD73) and platelet-derived growth factor receptor β-polypeptide (PDGFRB),[9] and [13] both are also markers of pericytes and EPO-negative interstitial fibroblasts.14Epo expression in tubular epithelial cells appears to be suppressed by GATA transcription factors, in particular GATA-2 and GATA-3, and can be reactivated under normoxic

or hypoxic conditions when the GATA core consensus binding sequence upstream of the Epo transcription start site is mutated. 11 The kidney responds to hypoxia by increasing the number of REPC in an O2-dependent manner and therefore regulates EPO output through adjustments in REPC number. [8] and [11] O2-dependent Epo transcription is controlled by distinct regulatory DNA sequences. These selleck compound flank the Epo coding sequence on both sides, the kidney-inducibility element GSK 3 inhibitor in the 5′-region and the liver-inducibility element in the 3′-region. [15], [16] and [17] The 3′-hypoxia enhancer region is absolutely required for the hypoxic induction of Epo in the liver, as shown by genetic studies in mice. 18 REPC have been visualized

in BAC transgenic mice through the use of green fluorescent protein (GFP). In this transgenic model the Epo coding sequence was replaced by GFP cDNA, which brings GFP under the control of Epo regulatory elements. 11 GFP expression was found in renal peritubular interstitial cells and in a subpopulation of hepatocytes that were localized around the central vein, supporting the notion that these two cell types represent the major sites of physiologic EPO production under conditions of systemic hypoxia. In the kidney, GFP-positive interstitial cells were unique in their morphologic appearance,

as they displayed dendrite-like processes and expressed neuronal-specific markers, such as microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2) and neurofilament protein light polypeptide (NFL), indicating that REPC may be derived from progenitor cells of neuronal origin. This notion is furthermore supported by lineage tracing studies that utilized myelin protein zero (P0)-Cre transgenic mice, which express Cre-recombinase in neural crest-derived cells. 13 In keeping with this observation, Frede and colleagues Carbachol established an EPO-producing renal tumor cell line with similar morphologic and molecular characteristics. 19 Although the hypoxic induction of Epo was reported in 4E cells, a mesenchymal cell clone with characteristics of embryonic kidney stromal cells, 20 primary REPC that retain their EPO-producing ability are difficult to culture. The molecular mechanisms underlying this phenomenon are unclear. Transdifferentiation of REPC into myofibroblasts, which are a main source of collagen in fibrotic kidneys, has been proposed as a potential mechanism by which REPC loose their ability to synthesize EPO in CKD ( Fig. 1).

In reality, the heart is deformable and the motion is therefore m

In reality, the heart is deformable and the motion is therefore more complex. All in vivo B2B-RMC acquisitions to date have been acquired in healthy volunteers, but we are now actively recruiting patients. In general, breathing patterns are more erratic in the patient population with greater respiratory drift than for healthy subjects, and we therefore might expect the benefits of B2B-RMC to be more pronounced. In our study group, we have only targeted the right coronary artery as it is the more mobile and therefore the more challenging imaging target. However, preliminary attempts in imaging the left coronary artery system have also been successful despite a generally reduced

volume of fat surrounding selleck kinase inhibitor these arteries. Also, vessel diameter and sharpness were only measured in the first 40 mm of the artery. This is partly due to the localized nature of the cross-correlation method which was used to selectively

correct for the respiratory motion of the proximal/mid artery, but these measurements also become increasingly difficult around the escalating number of branch points more distally. Nonetheless, we have qualitatively demonstrated that the B2B-RMC may be used to correct for respiratory motion in the distal right coronary artery by selecting appropriate regions of interest to cross-correlate. In the future, nonrigid implementations will be investigated in order to correct whole-heart 3D coronary artery acquisitions. A further limitation Epacadostat supplier of this study is that although SNR and contrast to noise ratio are important determinants of image quality, the inherently different DOK2 image contrast between the 3D spiral and nav-bSSFP techniques used in the in vivo

studies meant that such measures were inappropriate for comparing the performance of respiratory compensation strategies in this context. While the ideal solution would have been to perform an additional identical 3D spiral acquisition with a 5-mm navigator gating window, this was not possible due to time constraints. One potential alternative would have been to acquire a navigator gated 3D spiral acquisition with B2B-RMC and a 5-mm gating window to enable gated and corrected images to be reconstructed from the same data set. It is also possible to implement the bSSFP with the B2B-RMC technique. However, both of these options require considerable modifications to the pulse sequence and image reconstruction software which were not possible at the time of this study. In conclusion, the B2B-RMC technique can be used to correct for respiratory motion with 99.7% respiratory efficiency as well as a navigator-based technique with a 5-mm gating window (44.0% efficient), using vessel sharpness and vessel diameter from phantom and right coronary artery imaging to quantitatively compare the methods. “
“In the above article, there were editorial errors in Eqs. (5), (6) and (7). Below are the equations as they should have appeared.

0 mg/kg, i p ), indomethacin (cyclooxygenase inhibitor, Sigma, US

0 mg/kg, i.p.), indomethacin (cyclooxygenase inhibitor, Sigma, USA; 3.0 mg/kg, i.p.), zileuton (lipoxygenase inhibitor, Abbott, USA; 100 mg/kg, p.o.) or Boc2 (a selective formyl peptide receptor antagonist, butoxycarbonyl-Phe-Leu-Phe-Leu-Phe, Phoenix Pharmaceutical Inc, USA; 10 μg/200 μL, i.p., in a saline solution containing 1% of dimethyl sulfoxide). One hour later or 30 min later in the case of Boc2, the animals received a single dose (75 μg/kg) of Cdt venom in the back (s.c.), and one hour after that they received an injection of BCG into the footpad. The results were compared to two

control groups: the first group received saline by the same routes used for the treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs and the other received only the anti-inflammatory drug before the intraplantar injection of BCG. Paw edema was assessed on two occasions, 6 h and 48 h after injection of BCG, representing RG7204 clinical trial the acute and chronic phases of inflammation induced by BCG. To determine which toxin is responsible for the inhibitory effect of

Cdt venom, three MK-2206 groups of mice received a single dose (45 μg/kg, s.c. in the back) of one of the three fractions (frI, frII or frIII) obtained from the MonoQ chromatography column. One hour later, the animals received an injection of BCG, and paw edema was measured at 24 h and compared with the edema that developed in a control group injected with saline and a group injected with crude Cdt venom rather than the fractions. The doses

of the crude Cdt venom or fractions used in this study were determined previously (Nunes et al., 2010) and did not produce symptoms of envenoming. Results were expressed as the means ± s.e.m. (n = 5 animals/group). The time course of edema was analyzed by two way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni test. Effect of pharmacological drugs was analyzed by one way ANOVA followed by the Dunnett test, comparing all experimental groups with the saline/saline treated control group, using the GraphPad Prism 5.00 software. Values of p < 0.05 were considered statistically significant. The BCG injection evoked chronic edema which was evaluated for 15 days. In the group injected with Cdt venom 1 h earlier, Arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase the paw edema induced by BCG was significantly less intense compared to the control group throughout the evaluation period (Fig. 1A). In mice that received Cdt venom 1 h after intraplantar injection of BCG, we also observed a profile of edema significantly less intense than that observed in the control group (Fig. 1B) and similar to that observed in the group receiving the venom before the BCG. In the group injected s.c. with Cdt venom 6 days after intraplantar injection of BCG, the edema was similar in both groups until the 6th day, when one group received the s.c. Cdt venom injection.