Travelers were subsequently contacted by telephone within a week of their return to minimize recall bias. Individuals were considered lost to follow-up after three unsuccessful calls at 1-week intervals. Data regarding risk behaviors, the occurrence
of health problems during travel, and malaria chemoprophylaxis observance were recorded. Data regarding insect bite prophylaxis, sun exposure, food and drink consumption, freshwater bathing, sport activities, wet sand exposure, and animal contact were documented. The occurrence of health problems during travel was recorded. Systematically, investigation was BIBF 1120 chemical structure conducted for the following: fever, cough, nose and throat diseases, diarrhea, vomiting, dehydration, heat stress, chronic disease decompensation, lower limb venous problems, trauma, psychological disorders, genitourinary symptoms, and skin diseases, including insect bites and sunburns. Data were analyzed with the SPSS v15.0 (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) software package. Chi-square tests were used to compare proportions of travelers who reported specific symptoms to those who did not. A p value <0.05 was considered significant. All p values were determined by two-tailed t-test. Factors associated with poor
compliance to malarial prophylaxis were explored using logistic regression models. Factors with p values below 0.20 in univariate models were considered eligible for multivariate analysis, as suggested in the classical work of Mickey and Greenland.11 A stepwise procedure based on likelihood Tacrolimus manufacturer ratio criteria was used to obtain the best criteria with the lowest Akaike criteria.12–14 Acetophenone For the final model, a two-tailed p value <0.05 was considered significant. Data were prospectively collected from the GeoSentinel data platform, using standard GeoSentinel data fields,15 for patients presenting to the two sites in Marseille (Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine wards, Hôpital Nord and Hôpital Lavéran) from March 2003 to December 2008 with a travel-associated illness
following travel to Senegal. The GeoSentinel Surveillance Network consists of specialized travel/tropical medicine clinics on six continents where ill travelers are seen during or after traveling to a wide range of countries and where information on travelers is prospectively recorded using a standardized format ( Information collected included demographic data (age, sex, and country of birth), reason for most recent travel, duration of travel, pre-travel encounter, and time to presentation. Patients whose reason for traveling was their initial migration trip from Senegal to France were excluded from the study. Among the 392 individuals enrolled during pre-travel consultation, nine canceled their journey (2.3%), 25 were lost in follow-up (6.4%), and 358 were administered a post-travel questionnaire.